References and Readings
Shrey, D., & Hursh, N. (1999). Workplace disability management: International trends and perspectives. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 9(1), 45-59.
The social and economic cost of injury and disability in the workplace has had an adverse impact on employers and societies throughout the world. International trends in worksite disability management policies and practices, as surveyed by the International Labor Organization, are explored. The impact of formal training for Disability Management Coordinators is discussed, as relates to reductions in unnecessary lost time and workplace disability costs. A disability management audit system is summarized, as a strategic planning process for developing return-to-work programmes for workers with disabilities.
Available Online: -
Thornton, P., & Lunt, N. (1997). Employment policies for disabled people in eighteen countries: A review. Social Policy Research Unit, University of York, United Kingdom.
This paper is composed of policy and institutional context, definitions of disability, statistics, employment support services, open employment sheltered employment, summary, references and legal obligations, financial measures and rights for a long list of countries. Including Australia, Sweden, Italy, Finland and Greece, to name a few, a great deal of important disability employment policy information is available on an international scale.