References and Readings
McFarlin, D. B., Song, J., & Sonntag, M. (1991). Integrating the disabled into the work force: A survey of fortune 500 company attitudes and practices. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 4(2), 107-123
A survey of Fortune 500 companies was conducted to determine employer attitudes towards disabled persons, and to explore further employer hiring and accommodation practices. This investigation was done in order to shed light on a topic that has little available information.
The article is available for purchase at:
referrer=parent&backto=issue,2,7;journal,44,57;linkingpublicationresults,1:105548,1 -
Merilainen, A., & Helaakoski, R. (2001). Transport, poverty and disability in developing countries. 1-29.
Inclusive transport is a critical element in a comprehensive strategy of mainstreaming people with disabilities in developing countries. Transport systems that exclude people with disabilities virtually guarantee that people with disabilities will be poor, since such systems may well preclude education, prevent participation in the labor market, and restrict access to health and other social services. Apart from creating "income poverty" for people with disabilities, exclusive transport systems also deprive people with disabilities of social, cultural and political opportunities. When analyzing the environment with regard to transport and disability, two main perspectives need to be considered. These perspectives are access to and accessibility of the built environment.
Available Online:,,
contentMDK:21268763~menuPK:2970912~pagePK:210058~piPK:210062~theSitePK:463716,00.html -
Barbara Kolucki & Barbara Duncan; Working Together with the Media: A Practical Guide for People with Disabilities; International Labour Office and Rehabilitation International; 1994; Geneva
Verick, S. (August 2004). Do financial incentives promote the employment of the disabled? Discussion Paper no. 1256, Institute for the Study of Labor, University of Bonn.
In October 1999, the unemployment rate of people with severe disabilities in Germany was more than double that of the non-disabled population. To improve this situation, the People with Severe Disabilities Act was reformed to increase incentives for the severely disabled to enter the work force and for employers to hire such workers. In 2003 the Federal Government announced that through this reform it had successfully reduced the number of unemployed by 25 per cent representing around 45,000 individuals. However, an evaluation of the impact of this policy reform on labour market outcomes for the severely disabled indicates that this was not achieved by getting these individuals into employment. Moreover, a recent deterioration in the number of unemployed suggests that the success in 2002 was at best temporary. Thus, there is no evidence that changes to financial incentives in the PSDA had a positive long-term impact on the employment of people with severe disabilities.
Available Online: -
Walls, R., Hendricks, D., Dowler, D., & Hirsch, A. (2000). Job accommodation resources: Lessons from the global neighborhood. Journal of Rehabilitation, 68(4), 34.
Walls et al. describe from an international perspective the resources available to facilitate employment, worksite accommodation information-dissemination models, and existing barriers to employment of people with disabilities. Over the past 20 years, there have been amazing strides toward integration of employees with disabilities internationally. Even though different nations have achieved differing levels of sophistication, the goals, processes, and barriers to full engagement are consistent around the world.